Kristoffer Hylander
Landscape ecologist with an interest in patterns and determinants of species richness and composition in space and time in both natural and human modified landscapes. I have most experience from forest systems (boreal forest and montane tropical forests), but have also been studying tropical agricultural landscapes.
Master students

No one at the moment...
Master student
Let's see what the next project will be about...
PhD students
Matilda Arnell

My main interest is to understand plant distribution patterns. To this end I digitize and analyze historical range maps and relate range shifts to changes in land use, climate and plant traits.
Twitter: @matilda_arnell
Irena Koelemeijer
Stuart Fell
Master student
Microclimate and population characteristics across the
distribution of the fairy slipper orchid (Calypso bulbosa)
in Sweden
Degree 2024
Jacqueline Lima
Caroline Greiser
Moritz Stüber
Master student
Top-down pest control by ants on common coffee pests along the gradient of intensification in Ethiopian Arabica coffee growing systems
Degree: 2019
Ulrika Samnegård
PhD student
The impact of forest on pest damage, pollinators and pollination services
Degree: April 2016
Carl Frisk
Master student
Diversity of vascular plants along a fire consequence in Ethiopia
Degree: 2016
Niklas Lönnell
PhD student
Dispersal of bryophytes across landscapes
Degree: March 2014
Johannes Forsberg
Master student
Förekomst och rekrytering av lönnvid dess nordgräns i relation till klimatvariation i tid och rum
Degree: 2012
Martin Schmalholz
PhD student
Resistance and recolonization of bryophyte assemblages following disturbances
Degree: June 2010
Samuel Johnson
Master student
The response of bryophytes to wildfire –to what extent do they survive in-situ?
Degree: 2007
Shuaib Yusup
visiting PhD-student
​Effect of UV radiation adn drough on the dispersability of Sphangum spores.
Visiting 2022-2023
Biruk Ayalew
co-supervised PhD-student
Jonathon Winnel
Master student
Impacts of the Heath Star Moss (Campylopus introflexus) on Entomofauna in Sweden
Now PhD-student (see above)
Degree: 2022
Maria Johansson
Fire/grazing impacts on biodiversity and carbon storage in heathlands and savanna systems in Ethiopia
Jan 2014- Jan 2020
Hilde Nystad
Master student
Identification and conservation of potential microrefugia and stepping stones in Swedish forest landscapes
Degree: 2017
Johan Dahlberg
PhD student
The role of microclimate for the performance and distribution of forest plants
Degree: June 2016
Eric Meineri
Modelling topoclimate and species distributions
May 2013–May 2015
Mari Nilsson
Master student
Actaea spicata in the northern parts of its range: variation in population parameters in relation to abiotic and biotic factors
Degree: 2014
Jörgen Rudolphii
Coffee agrophorestry systems in Mexico and Ethiopia
Sept 2011-Dec 2012
Aaron Gove
Bird diversity in tropical agroecological landscapes
May 2007-July 2008
Isabelle Severholt
Master student
Lagged effects of summer drought on plant reproductive performance in the forest understory​
Degree 2023
Ditte Christiansen
Responses of boreal forest understory plant communities to climate and forestry
Twitter: @dittemch
Degree 2022
Beyene Zewdie
Tanya Strydom
Master student
Declines and increases in southern and northern plant species populations to changes in microclimate conditions
Degree: 2020
Benny Willman
Master student
Do cold microclimate favor northern boreal species at their southern range margin?
Degree: 2017
Olga Krali
Master student
Vascular plants in buffer strips
Degree: 2016
Victor Johansson
Dispersal mechanisms in bryophytes
Sept 2012-June 2014
Debissa Lemessa
PhD student
Pests and pest controlling organisms in relation to forest and tree-cover
Degree: June 2014
Andreas Engelen
Master student
Comparing avifauna communities and bird functional diversity of forest and farmland in Ethiopia
Degree: 2012
Kirsi Jokkinen
Master student
Primary succession 10 years after a catastrophic flood in Fulufjället
Degree: 2008